Monday, September 22, 2008

Harvest - well, sort of......

First the bad news: This was our total potato crop. Your eyes are not deceiving you, our crop consisted of 2 potatoes!!! The rest were either eaten by slugs or rotted in the Monsoons we have had this Summer.

Then the pears - what pears??? Plenty on the tree but they were rotten inside, and the salvageable bits were woody and tasteless : (

Now for the good news: Our Bramley apples tree is bursting with fruit. Loads and loads of huge apples the size of grapefruits. Our freezer is now stacked with apples. We also went blackberry picking on Saturday evening and got 13 lbs of blackberries for bramble jelly and blackberry & apple pies.

And finally, the runner beans. Not very many this year but they are very tasty and crunchy. We had some last night with our tea. Picked at 4pm, eaten at 6pm. You cant get much fresher than that!!!

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