Thursday, December 18, 2008

On The Mend

First - a great big Thank You to the girls at the Coventry Knit-wits group. I woke up this morning to dicover that one of them had put a Get Well Soon card through my letterbox. It was lovely to read all the messages and good wishes from them all XXXXX

I am on the mend. The antibiotics have kicked in, I dont have a blood clot on my lung (phew) and the terrible pain when I breathe has gone. I envisage lots of sleeping over the next few days as I feel weak as a kitten, but very much better than I was. Does anyone know how long it takes to feel 100% again after Pneumonia? I go back to the hospital in 10 days.

I havent had the strength or breath to knit since this started, but have taken photos of the Christmas pressies I made. I am so glad I got them finished early : ) I will post the photos up etc in a week or two. Thank goodness for the Snooker to watch or I would have gone loopy today. I cant concentrate to read yet, but I hope to pick up my needles and do some knitting at the weekend.


BabyLongLegs said...

So glad you are feeling a bit better....big hugs :)
If you can get a hold of some echinacea, it'll help build up your immune system again :)

More Hugs sweetie....

S xXx

Yarnspider said...

Hi there, I'm so glad that you are beginning to feel better that I hate to break to bad news. It takes about 6 months to really get over pleurisy/pneumonia sometimes longer. So you keep on taking it easy and wrapping up warm and getting better.
Hugs and Christmas greetings
