My wheel is an Ashford Elizabeth 2 and she has ball bearings in the wheel so treadling is simply, a mere flick of the foot and round she goes. No strain, pain or effort involved. We finally finished sanding, waxing and assembling her last night so today I had a go.
On the walking front, I think I am also making progress. I can now walk half a mile at a time before I need to rest. Yes, it still hurts and is very tiring and I have to get cross with myself to make myself keep going............but I am not giving in and becoming more and more housebound just yet. Where there is life and strength I am keeping and reclaiming my mobility for as long as I can.
PS I now have skirting board and proper electrical sockets at home too - no more extension leads snaking around the floor : )
I hope to have the energy to resume my knitting groups soon instead of flaking out at 7 pm, but walking properly before Winter sets in comes first and everything else (including housework) must take second place. Once I can walk a mile, I can get to the gym and swimming pool and get strong in all my muscles, which can only be a good thing for all other activities.
Your spinning is seriously impressive! Good luck with your fitness regime, I know just how tough these things are to get started and to keep going. If we lived closer we could walk daily together, maybe we should compare steps taken.
She's here! Yay!
She looks very pretty and I'm glad she's working nicely for you. I'm really impressed that you've took to her so quickly and have singles already. :)
Glad to hear your mobility is improving too. Hopefully you'll have lots of energy soon and we'll see you at knitting group. :)
Oh and PS - Yaaarrrr!
PPS - Avast and by way of a silly explanation, yarrrh - today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day -
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